The game takes place 30 years after the events of the previous game, and the player must monitor the attraction's ⭕️ security cameras and audio systems to keep an eye on the animatronics, who have been possessed by the spirits of ⭕️ the children who were murdered at the original restaurant. The player must survive five nights and prevent the animatronics from ⭕️ reaching the office and killing them.
One of the main features of FNAF 3 is the addition of a new animatronic, ⭕️ Springtrap, who is the only physical threat to the player. The player must use audio devices and a ventilation system ⭕️ to lure Springtrap away from their location and prevent him from reaching them.
The game also introduces a new gameplay mechanic ⭕️ in the form of a mini-game called "Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction", which the player can access through hidden areas ⭕️ of the attraction. In this mini-game, the player must guide a child through a maze of rooms and avoid being ⭕️ caught by a shadowy figure.
FNAF 3 builds upon the horror and suspense of the previous games in the series, while ⭕️ introducing new gameplay elements and a compelling storyline that will keep players on the edge of their seats.